Thursday, March 5, 2009

Things To Do

Actually I havE lotsa things to do this wEEk, but I guEss its not my productivE wEEk lols!

ThE most important thing is to amEnd d contEnts of kwikstop's wEbsitE...its bEEn hackEd sincE wE wErE in KL. So its Empty ritE now. My boss is pushing mE to do it as soon as possiblE but I told him I am not a wEbsitE dEsignEr lols...maybE I'll givE him d contEnts, dats all. gEEz...thE nExt outlEt will bE opEning nExtwEEk...its d 22nd outlEts (4 of thEm closEd lols!) and its d 2nd outlEts for Syairul...I hopE hE will makE it sincE hE's bravE Enuff to opEn anothEr outlEt in lEss than half a yEar. AnothEr 4 candidatEs arE still in waiting/applying for loans...Nazri is bEcoming a pain in d ass (dunno y hE's too mEticulous sincE d proposal wE submittEd for him is considErEd VERY dEtailEd). Hamidah's turn to submit thEir proposal to PNS, TEKUN and SMIDEC. Anyway I wish thEm wEll. Kong is lost! I dunno what happEnEd cEz outlEt in Nilai was supposEd to bE opEnEd but God noEs yyyyyy....Lastly, Syahriman...I just passEd him his OffEr lEttEr and FranchisE agrEEmEnt on Monday. HE's nicE, did all d things rEquirEd and EvEn providEd mE with a complEtE map of his location, so it is EasiEr for mE to do d markEt rEsEarch basEd on all d infos hE gavE mE. I hopE all d candidatEs arE likE Easy to dEal with.

Aiya...anothEr nEwspapEr articlEs for mE to writE. This is d 3rd articlEs. This timE its gonna bE in KOSMO! and half pagE. I hatE doing nEwspapEr articlEs. duhhhhhh....

And lotsa PNS, MeCD, bla bla bla bla....EndlEss!!!

Last but not lEast...I am watching Cengkihdotcom Restaurant transfErring into Island Red Exactly 1 yEar of opEration. Luckily I am not in chargE of d rEstaurant anymorE. I still dunno y hE continuE on d biz. HE wastEd so much monEy on it...pErhaps hE wanna finish all his monEy, but what d hEck...its not my businEss lols! I won't bE sEEing my boss around so much cEz hE will bE busy EithEr with his fathEr's ElEction in April (Bukit SElambau) or hE'll bE outstation-ing in KL paying d "bills"....lols...

Anyway....I havE to start working!!!!

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