WEEkEnds...its hard to kEEp my sanity on wEEkEnds. Its likE passing a long and EndlEss tunnEl. I lovE spEnding d timE wit d kiddos, just hatE dat hE will bE around most of thE timE..
Saturdays arE always busy..doing housEworks cEz I only have a chancE to do this oncE a wEEk. Its hard cEz Iznul wun lEt mE do my work pEacEfully (EithEr I stoppEd working or lEt him do thE 'tidying'..which is gonna lEft mE with EndlEss chorEs!). Izzat, in thE othEr hand, will EithEr watch cartoons, plays alonE with his toys (d downsidE of having 2 kids with hugE agE diffErEncEs!) or tEasing d lil fElla (EndEd up with gEtting scoldEd and hE wud go on sulking EndlEssly!)...haiya! ThEsE two cutiEs arE SOOO diffErEnt from Each othEr...but thEy havE a tEmpEr likE thEir mom lols!
Sundays arE likE normal days...just without going to thE officE...Izzat's schooldays arE Sunday-Thursday. So I'll bE waking up at 6, prEparing mEals for him (cEz hE wEnt to chinEsE school and thE food in thE cantEEn is Non-Halal)...anyway its hard cEz dis fElla is vEry fussy bout food, EithEr prEparE what hE wants to Eat or hE wun Eat at all! Haiya..thEn 6.15 is going to bE anothEr usual fight cEz hE is SO STUBBORN (haha!) and its hard to wakE him up and bathE him. SumtimEs it will drag up to 6.30! Haiya!! GuEss what, his school bus will pick him up at 6.45...
ThEn brEakfast, morE housEworks, play wit Iznul (whilE fighting wit d fathEr duhhh!), prEparE 4 lunch...Izzat will bE homE around 1.45...thEn will havE lunch, watch WondErpEts wit d kiddos (i loikE dis..cEz Iznul will laff and dancE whEn wE sing d song..aiya! HE's my MingMing). WhilE doing dat, I havE to prEparE Izzat to his KAFA class at 2.45. Luckily its nEar to my housE..thEn I'm gonna spEnd my timE wit d lil fElla, avoiding to bE nEar to him cEz I am SO tirEd of thE fights and arguEmEnts...and Izzat will bE finally at homE bEforE 6.
ThEn wE'll go out for d grocEriEs..Etc Etc, go back homE and hElp Izzat do his homEwork (ExcEpt chinEsE cEz I dunno d languagE lols)...
Anyway, hE's catching up with d chinEsE subjEct quitE ok..I hopE hE's coping wEll cEz tomorrow will bE d first Exam, and it will start with chinEsE subjEct. I told him dat its going to bE hardEr than his kindErgardEn's Exam, its not d samE (hE managEd to graduatE from a chinEsE kindErgardEn wit a 3rd position, and I'm proud of him considEring dat I only sEnd him thErE for only 1 yEar). WEll, I don't ExpEct him to bE on top of d class cEz i dun likE to push him and givE him prEssurE. It will bE Enuff if hE is coping wEll with d subjEct and havE a stEady progrEss. AftEr all, its just Standard 1 lols!
WEll, I hopE hE will do wEll in his 1st Exam..GOOD LUCK, Izzat Emir!!!
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