Monday, March 2, 2009


aku bahagia...bahagia bErsamamu tiap dEtik dan waktu...dEtik dan waktu yg sEring mEncEmburui kEmEsraan kita...aku kan sELalu mEncintaimu kErana hanya itu yang ku tahu, kErana tiada lain di hatiku sEtELah ku curi sEnyumanmu dEngan ciuman mEsra...dan kau curi hatiku dEngan bErahi cinta...tidurlah dEngan LEna di dalam bELaian jiwaku...dan buka matamu mEnyambut sinaran cintaku kErana aku milikmu...

UrË minË, n i'm urs..U hv my hËart, n my hËart will b urs..WË fall in LovË, hËart nËvËr LiË that our hËart bËats d samË rythm, nothing will stop us now..HË's minË...
missing Each othEr likE kills...i'm falling dEEpEr...i can sEE urE falling too...HE's my breath...i can't livE without you...
hE's my strEngth whEn i nEEd it...whEn m about to loosE in my battLE...hE savEd mE, my saviour....hE's thE onE...
drËams arË hard 2 fakË u know wat i mËant...HË's my subconcious mind...HË lovËs mË..pËrfËct L.O.V.Ë.
bright colours EvErywhErE...its likE u..bEing EvErywhErE around mE...n m EvErywhErE around u too *laffs* my lovE...wE'rE madE for Each othEr...if its not in this lifEtimE, i'll livE a thousand lifEs and fall in lovE again n again with u...HE's my lifE...i lovE doubt...
HE stEal my hEart with just a smilE...n i'm falling 4 his charm...Could it bE you? princE charming...HE's my joy...
HE's truly an angEL sEnt 2 mE by God..HE noEs my truE fEElings, HE sEnsEs my slightEst pain...How should i hidE thEsE hurtful fEELings? HE noEs mE too wELL...My protEctor...UrE my guardian angEL...
HE's not anothEr shadow in my lifE..hE's rEal n hE's a part of mE now..HE's minE...
HE's d music 2 my soul..wE fEEL Each othEr's pain,so dun EvEn think of hiding it! HE's all dat i havE..
HE owns my hEart...HE's my hEavEn..
HE capturEd my hEart n thErE's no turning back...HE's my way homE..
HE's my swEEtnEss...without him lifE is tastELEss...HE's worth loving...
HE camE 2 mE whEn i was lonEly..HE makEs mE fall in lovE all ovEr again...HE kept mE OVERDOSE with his lovE drugs..HE's my addiction!
HE's my world, HE's my fantasy, HE's my myth...HE's my BELIEF!
OUR hEart still bEats d samE rythm...OUR minds r still connEctEd..OUR lovE is still holding on..OUR dEstiny still EntwinEs..HE's still d ONE i lovE so dEarLy...HE still holds my hEart in his fingErs...HE's my EVERYTHING!
HE's calling my hEart from miLEs away...HE's calling my spirit so dat i would suffEr in this Empty spacE...HE's calling my namE n i could hEar him cLEarly...HE's EvEry rEason dat i hv 2 stay around...HE's my solid ground..I MISS YOU!
In our kingdom of LovE, HE owns mE cEz HE's my KING n i'm his onE n only QUEEN...
HE nEvEr fails to makE mE cry cEz wE lovE Each othEr so much! n it hurts 2 bE apart..HE's my TEARS...
HE's my HEARTBEAT n i'll diE without him...
HE's thE onE i want for lifE..I dun carE bout d consEquEncEs anymorE! Loving sum1's shadows,now its diffErEnt..i hold his hEart in my hands,juz as surE as hE did..Although my dEcision is going 2 hurt sum1 i lovEd so dEarLy, i noE its for thE bEst...i'm sorry but i juz can't livE w/o my hEartbEat..I LOVE YOU!
HE's my EvEry rEason 4 mE to livE...
HE's thE onE i chosE..cEz i'm thE onE hE LovE..
HE's my hEartbEat, cEz hE's just a hEartbEat away from mE...
HE kEEps my firE on EvEn whEn wE arE apart, HE's my EvErlasting dEsirE, HE's my Ecstacy..
HE always makE mE laugh..I'm so addictEd to him words could dEscribE my addiction..maybE HE's my drug aftEr all...

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